- 串珠吊飾
- >
- 百變串珠墊 Coaster or Card/Phone Holder
百變串珠墊 Coaster or Card/Phone Holder
#純手工 #杯墊 #手機架 #卡片名片架 #造型
- 尺 寸 說 明 -
小:長 9.5cm / 寬 9.5cm
大:長 11.6cm / 寬 11.6cm
- 商 品 售 價 -
- 注 意 事 項 -
※ 串珠墊如需大量訂購,請先與我們聯絡,確認數量及所需工作天數。
Creator: Carnation
She was working in a tea shop when we met her 8 years ago. She had a hard time finding a new job at her age (mid-50s). We put her in touch with social services. Soon, she was working as an aide to the elderly. Unfortunately, she was forced to quit because of ill health. The Pearl Family Garden's handicraft project is her main source of income. Our medical subsidy scheme has allowed her to receive treatment for a chronic liver condition. She was baptized in 2017.