~ Our Product 珍珠阿嬤手工藝品 ~
珍珠阿嬤手工和文創產品是手工班成員、同工和志工共同創作的成果。手工藝品的收入均用於參加手工班的弱勢婦女、獨居老人的生活補貼。以下價錢是建議奉獻價。如欲訂購請以 LINE 或 Email 聯絡我們。 Our products are jointly designed by women in the handicraft workshop, PFG workers and volunteers. This provides income for marginalized women and the elderly poor in Wanhua. The prices listed are suggested. To order, please contact us through LINE or Email. FB: 珍珠阿嬤,LINE: @zxx5920g |
環保水壺袋/飲料提袋/咖啡杯袋 Water-Bottle Bag
#環保 #多喝水 #方便攜帶 #百搭 #純手工
夏天冰涼涼的飲料不想要放進包包裡.... 包包太重了,不想要再放水瓶了....
This bag is just nice for carrying your water-bottle or thermos flask.
- 尺 寸 說 明 Dimensions -
總長度:37cm (含手提部分)
Length: 37cm (including handle)
Please see photo.
- 小 叮 嚀 Reminder -
洗滌方式: 可手洗或是洗衣機清洗,請摺好反面裝進洗衣袋。
Washing instructions: Handwash or machine wash in mesh laundry bag.
- 商 品 售 價 Price -
- 注 意 事 項 Note -
※ 水壺提袋的花色會因手邊有的布料而調整,請先與我們聯絡確認現有的款式呦!
We make limited numbers of each pattern. Please contact us to check the designs available before placing an order.
拉鍊收納包/化妝包/筆袋 Pouch
#純手工 #送禮自用 #萬用包 #耐用 #兩種大小
This pouch is handy for carrying make-up, stationery, cables or computer accessories.
- 尺 寸 說 明 Dimensions -
小:長 18.5cm / 寬 11.5cm / 底寬7cm (+/-1cm)
Small: 18.5 x 11.5 x 7cm
大:長 21cm / 寬 13.5cm / 底寬7cm (+/-1cm)
Large: 21 x 13.5 x 7cm
- 小 叮 嚀 Reminder -
洗滌方式: 可手洗或是洗衣機清洗,請摺好反面裝進洗衣袋。
Washing instructions: Handwash or machine wash using mesh laundry bag.
- 商 品 售 價 Price -
小 Small:$120
大 Large:$150
- 注 意 事 項 Note -
※ 小物包的花色會因手邊有的布料而調整,請先與我們聯絡確認現有的款式呦!
We make limited numbers of each pattern, please inquire if there is available stock before ordering.
A4肩背/手提布袋 Reversible Tote Bag
#A4包 #雙色 #耐重 #可愛 #素色 #純手工
This reversible tote bag is made with two layers of cloth, one floral, the other plain. You can carry a laptop or A4 folder in the bag. Made with durable stitching.
- 尺 寸 說 明 Dimensions -
A4, with two pockets inside
- 小 叮 嚀 Reminder -
洗滌方式: 可手洗或是洗衣機清洗,請裝進洗衣袋。
Washing instructions: Handwash or machine wash using mesh laundry bag.
- 商 品 售 價 Price -
- 注 意 事 項 -
※ 肩背提袋的花色會因手邊有的布料而調整,請先與我們聯絡確認現有的款式呦!
We make limited numbers of each pattern, please contact us to check the designs available before placing your order.
Creator: Rainbow
In 2010, a short-term missions team from Singapore went carolling in the tea shops of Wanhua. Rainbow was invited to the Christmas celebration at the Pearl but she waited 5 months before showing up. After leaving her job as a cleaner in the tea shop, Rainbow tried different jobs. She's now working in a cafe run by a local church. After work, she makes tote bags, pouches and other products on the sewing machine. She was baptized at the Pearl in 2016.
便當袋 Lunch Bag
- 尺 寸 說 明 Dimensions -
29 cm long X 20 cm high x 10 cm wide
洗滌方式: 可手洗或是洗衣機清洗,請摺好反面裝進洗衣袋。
Washing instructions: Handwash or machine wash using mesh laundry bag.
- 注 意 事 項 Note -
※ 小物包的花色會因手邊有的布料而調整,請先與我們聯絡確認現有的款式呦!
We make limited numbers of each pattern, please inquire if there is available stock before ordering.
十字繡萬用卡片 (含信封,配色不挑款) Cross-Stich Card
#十字繡 #萬用卡 #節慶卡 #阿嬤配色 #五送一
Lovingly made by Pearl grannies.
- 尺 寸 說 明 Dimensions -
卡片 12.8 x 13cm (十字繡:9 x 9cm)
Card 12.8 x 13cm (Cross-stitch panel: 9 x 9cm)
- 款 式 說 明 Designs -
萬用:女孩與小花、貓頭鷹、小貓、瓢蟲、Just to Say、玫瑰花、❤︎ Always Wins
節慶:福、春、聖誕樹、Happy Birthday 狗狗
Girl with flower, Owl, Cat, Ladybugs, Just to Say, Rose, ❤︎ Always Wins
Special events: 福 (blessing), 春 (Spring), Christmas tree, Happy Birthday
※ 花樣詳見圖示
- 商 品 售 價 Price -
均一價$100 (買五送一)
NT100 (buy 5 get 1 free)
- 注 意 事 項 Note -
※ 各款式配色,均由阿嬤們自行選配。因此,無法提供配色的選擇。
You can pick a design but depending on the artistic flair of our grannies, colors may vary.
Creator: June
She is in her 70s. She lives alone in Wanhua. She says, "It's good to come to the Pearl ... Without the handicraft class, I might be alone at home and feeling depressed!" She was baptized at the Pearl in 2016.
百變串珠墊 Coaster or Card/Phone Holder
#純手工 #杯墊 #手機架 #卡片名片架 #造型
- 尺 寸 說 明 -
小:長 9.5cm / 寬 9.5cm
大:長 11.6cm / 寬 11.6cm
- 商 品 售 價 -
- 注 意 事 項 -
※ 串珠墊如需大量訂購,請先與我們聯絡,確認數量及所需工作天數。
Creator: Carnation
She was working in a tea shop when we met her 8 years ago. She had a hard time finding a new job at her age (mid-50s). We put her in touch with social services. Soon, she was working as an aide to the elderly. Unfortunately, she was forced to quit because of ill health. The Pearl Family Garden's handicraft project is her main source of income. Our medical subsidy scheme has allowed her to receive treatment for a chronic liver condition. She was baptized in 2017.